Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Time and Grey

Started off the day, after porridge of course, reading a message from a friend, who, desperate to escape the greyness of the east coast, announced he was off to the northwest to find sun and warmth - weird, it normally is wet and grey up there. Unable to escape the murk with an invalid to pamper, I decided to do something other than read and nurse a laptop to keep me warm. So, explore lines. Try some linear stuff with very few curves.

Soften with a little foliage

Go Techno

But what's happening? Dryness, sunshine! The imperative of survival masquerading as aerobic exercise rears it's ugly head. Must take the bike out and raise the heart rate for a while. But it only takes about 200 metres to find a reason to stop - oval lines.

Six miles further on there's a secret hillside  with diagonal lines and the sun low enough to highlight the ridges. 

The result is a teensy bit boring but there's an arty-farty option called 'posterise' in the software.

Another four miles, on the way home, there's a stone watercourse that I've only been been putting off looking at closely for 24 years. Some old signs - Scottish Water - and rusting pipes and pumps suggest . . . what? No sign of storage tanks. Must go back in a few years and look again.

Industrial waterfall

Close up . . . 

 . . .  and a coloured burble of a ripple.

Finally, cobblestones in the bed of the waterway throwing up excited drops of water

Back to pedaling for happiness.

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