The big sculptured pond area at the front is a nice outlook for the museum but I found a 'top up' pipe which was interesting.
Edvard Munch was featuring as the special exhibition but we didn't see that, as the museum wanted some money, and I am famously mean when it comes to culture. I've seen his pictures in other museums and find his images a bit depressing - but good they are.
Big smile generated by the huge sculpture in the café area of, I presume, Thor (didn't see an info card).
A stroll down the Water of Leith (again) to help the food go down gave a few more chances of images. Looking over the side of the first bridge an overhanging tree provided an oil painting result.
One of the numerous access points which probably daunt the less athletic.
Presumably Dutch Elm disease or similar prompted this very warmly radiant bonfire. The camera just about captures the feeling of intense heat. Nobody had any marshmallows.
Back to the museum for a . . . comfort break and the aforementioned date slice and coffee. This 'pile of stones' art is on the way in.
The stairs down were to the loos - nice sculpture.
Before going out for lunch we had a quick 10 miles of exercise going to West Linton on the bikes. This field, on the way, usually has a couple of horses - instead, a duck and ducklings were taking advantage. It doesn't look as like it's going to dry up quickly.
Happy pedalling.