The weather, when I was taking some photos, was taking a break from raining, but still overcast. You'll have to imagine the sunshine lighting up the painted houses and sailing boats. The tourists had come out from hiding (somewhere in the dry) and were making the best use of the reasonable weather. Boat trips to the Isle of May, an ice cream sitting on the harbour wall, a stroll round the craft shops, fishing museum and maybe a pint in a pub.
One of the older vessels in the harbour - a restored sailing fishing boat.
The outer harbour - with Berwick Law peeping through the harbour entrance.
North from the harbour
Finally one for the street furniture geeks.
Down one of the wynds (or lane) heading to the harbour, there it was - a Ductile Iron 550 Saracen, Grade B. Made by Stanton and Staveley Iron works, a North Derbyshire iron foundry which started up in 1846. I don't know how many of them are scattered round the country but they obviously last well - as long as nobody steals them of course.
Too far to pedal for happiness.
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